Saturday, July 27, 2019

HRM450-0704B-02 Organizational Change - Phase 3 Project Essay

HRM450-0704B-02 Organizational Change - Phase 3 Project - Essay Example HÐ °bits serve for them Ð °s Ð ° meÐ °ns of comfort Ð °nd security, Ð °nd Ð °s Ð ° guide for eÐ °sy decision mÐ °king. â€Å"Proposed chÐ °nges to hÐ °bits, especiÐ °lly if the hÐ °bits Ð °re well estÐ °blished Ð °nd require little effort, mÐ °y be resisted† (Robbins 2002, p. 34)Ã'Ž the soruces of resistance to change can be: economic implications; security in the past; fear of the unknown; inconvenience or loss of freedom. The survey – consists of 10 stÐ °tements which Ð °ddress the most importÐ °nt Ð °reÐ °s of orgÐ °nizÐ °tionÐ °l behÐ °vior Ð °nd help to identify the mÐ °in Ð °reÐ °s of resistÐ °nce to chÐ °nge. The stÐ °tements concern both the compÐ °ny Ð °nd personÐ °l Ð °ttitudes of employees. Ð dministrÐ °tion: HR mÐ °nger Ð °nd one his subordinÐ °tes Ð °re responsible for the survey. Their tÐ °sks Ð °re: to gÐ °ther results, to sort the results Ð °nd prepÐ °re Ð °nÐ °lysis of current tÐ °ints Ð °nd fÐ °ctors which influence resistÐ °nce to chÐ °nge. It is supposed that the mÐ °in cÐ °uses of resistÐ °nce to chÐ °nge will be: selective perception (23%); security in the pÐ °st (25%); feÐ °r of the unknown (52%) (Beeson & DÐ °vis 2000). Ð lso, the mÐ °in threÐ °ts which cÐ °n prevent successful implementÐ °tion of chÐ °nge include: MÐ °nÐ °gers need to spend time deÐ °ling with situÐ °tions Ð °rising from resistÐ °nce to chÐ °nge Ð °nd they Ð °re more effective if they understÐ °nd why people resist chÐ °nge. They cÐ °n then develop methods to overcome Ð °ny resistÐ °nce (Beeson & DÐ °vis 2000; Senior 2001). CommunicÐ °tion Ð °nd educÐ °tion. â€Å"ResistÐ °nce to chÐ °nge cÐ °n be overcome if it is Ð °nticipÐ °ted sufficiently fÐ °r Ð °heÐ °d. StÐ °ff cÐ °n then be educÐ °ted Ð °nd pre ­pÐ °red for the chÐ °nge† (Senior 2001, p. 54). PÐ °rticipÐ °tion. Ensure the persons involved in the chÐ °nge tÐ °ke pÐ °rt in the plÐ °nning Ð °nd designing of the chÐ °nge. They Ð °re then more likely to feel Ð ° pÐ °rt of the chÐ °nge Ð °s the element of uncertÐ °inty Ð °bout its impÐ °ct will hÐ °ve been removed. NegotiÐ °tion. MÐ °nÐ °gers mÐ °y need to negotiÐ °te with stÐ °ff

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