Thursday, March 12, 2020

Toyota. Organizations Mission

Toyota. Organizations Mission Leaders have the role of developing their organization’s operating strategies, mission, vision, and corporate objectives. Management and human resources are guided by their organizations Mission, vision and objectives; their attainment leads to satisfied stakeholders. An effective mission, vision and objectives should be attainable and reflect the needs operation of a company. This paper analyzes Toyota Motor Corporations, United States branch, vision, mission and objectives.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Toyota. Organizations Mission specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mission statement The company has a mission statement in the United States of America as follows, â€Å"To attract and attain customers with high-valued products and services and the most satisfying ownership experience in America†( Toyota Motor Corporation Corporate Website, 2011). The management either in Japan where the head quarters are, or in the United States branch are guided by the mission they want to attain. When one analyzes the mission statement, the company simply illustrates how it wants to add value in Americans life, through its innovative products. The mission has been attained through massive inventive and innovative of models, and involvement in corporate social responsibilities. When the company’s products are not offering quality as expected, the company recalls the products; this is in the efforts of adding more value to the Americans. Vision statement The vision of the company is â€Å"To be the most successful and respected car company in America (Toyota Motor Corporation Corporate Website, 2011). The attainment of the vision will only be realized after the company has set appropriate internal processes that target the American market; the internal processes that the company has implemented are aggressive marketing, innovation, research and development among others. The lea dership role in the country and the world in general was attained in 2008, when the company surpassed General Motors’ to be the world largest motor vehicle company by volume production and sales. The largest market for the company’s products is in North America.Advertising Looking for critical writing on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Objectives The company’s objectives are in five-principle documentation, they are: Kaizen (continuo’s improvement): the company aims at improving its products and internal processes to ensure that they fully satisfy their customers, the recent development is the introduction of electric automobiles. Teamwork: the company has a motivated team, which aims at increasing the efficiency and operations in the company for the benefit of the company. Challenges: the company aims at facing challenges as they come, it is willing to face the situat ion in the world and probably offer solution. The objective is derived through massive research and development programs implemented. Respect: the company aims at preserving high respect for its internal and external customer, it also aims at being in harmony with the environment; to attain this objective, the company has a code of ethics that every employee need to employ the ethical code. The codes define ethics as a set of moral principles or values used by organizations to monitor the conduct of both the employees and the organization it in how they carry out their activities both internally and externally. Genchi Genbutsu (go and see); the company aims at developing internal processes and products through research and development programs. It has an active research team at aims at coming up with better products and processes (Hino, 2006). Conclusion Leaders have the role of developing attainable vision, mission and objectives; after developing the objectives, the next task is t o come-up with policies and strategies to see their attainment. The success of Toyota in the United States has been attributed to effective leadership that respects the company’s mission, Vision and corporate objectives.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Toyota. Organizations Mission specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Hino, S. (2006). Inside the mind of Toyota: management principles for enduring growth. Tokyo: Productivity Press. Toyota Motor Corporation Corporate Website. (2011). Toyota Motor Corporation. Retrieved from

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