Saturday, August 24, 2019

Role of Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Role of Management Accounting - Essay Example Apart from collecting, recording and reporting the financial matters, the main role that the managerial accounting plays is of the budget. The budgets are a major aspect of an organization. It is the vital organ in the industry that controls the overheads and makes certain the preparation of an organization for the upcoming period and challenge. Budgets function as analysts that outline the prospect as to how the company is going to dwell in the upcoming phase. Without a strategic planning, an organization cannot carry on. The budget helps the company to ensure that the spending limits are adequate. Speaking about the managerial and financial accounting, the basic difference between them is that the managerial accounting interprets the people working in a specific organization. It analyzes the work that is going on and also plans for the work that would take place, aiming for a better future of the company as they do so. Whereas, the financial management relates to the effective use of money that can be utilized and maximize the value of the firm as well. They are the base on which the profit making of the whole company depends. They are the protectors of the company’s assets and strengthen the accountability, exhibiting on how the financial supplies are utilized. Thus, managerial accounting plays a fundamental role in the success of an organization. It requires awareness and skills to outline the challenges that are faced by the company. Overcoming them and organizing them helps a business to prosper and interact with other business organizations more fluently and more

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