Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Social work ethics - reflection paper Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social work ethics - reflection paper - Article Example Majority of the surviving American troops, referred to as veterans of the Iraq war are in dire need of therapeutic treatment which could be obtained from various help centres. The U.S. Department of veterans' affairs is charged with referring these patients to specialised mental centres (www.socialworkers.org). One such patient has been recently referred to me. Since my client had very nasty and frightening experiences in Iraq, it would be my noble responsibility to handle the situation most professionally and delicately to avoid causing further sufferings and anguish to him. My foremost action would be to assess the extend to which the war had on my client's emotional and psychological states by subjecting him to various interrogations concerning his social history; and psychiatric status. The social history would involve a brief review of relations, work and educational experiences prior to, during and after military service while the psychiatric aspect of the interrogations would involve a review of past and current psychological symptoms and traumatic experiences during military service, if any. This would greatly help me decide the best help to accord the client. Because the client is confirmed to be suffering from PSTD, my most immediate action would be to institute a type of counselling

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