Sunday, October 20, 2019

15 News Writing Rules for Beginning Journalism Students

15 News Writing Rules for Beginning Journalism Students Gathering information for a news article is vitally important, of course, but so is writing the story. The best information, put together in an overly intricate construction using SAT words and dense writing, can be difficult to digest for readers looking for a quick news fix. There are rules for news writing that result in a clear, direct presentation, providing information efficiently and accessibly to a variety of readers. Some of these rules conflict with what you might have learned in English Lit. Heres a list of 15 rules for beginning news writers, based on the problems that crop most frequently: Tips for News Writing Generally speaking, the lede, or introduction to the story, should be a single sentence of 35 to 45 words that summarizes the main points of the story, not a seven-sentence monstrosity that looks like its out of a Jane Austen novel.The lede should summarize the story from start to finish. So if youre writing about a fire that destroyed a building and left 18 people homeless, that must be in the lede. Writing something like A fire started in a building last night doesnt have enough vital information.Paragraphs in news stories should generally be no more than one or two sentences each, not the seven or eight sentences you probably wrote for freshman English. Short paragraphs are easier to cut when editors are working on a tight deadline, and they look less imposing on the page.Sentences should be kept relatively short, and whenever possible use the subject-verb-object formula. Backward constructions are harder to read.Always cut unnecessary words. For example, Firefighters arrived at t he blaze and were able to put it out within about 30 minutes can be shortened to Firefighters doused the blaze in 30 minutes. Dont use complicated: We arrested the suspect, Detective John Jones said. (Note the placement of the comma.)News stories are generally written in the past tense.Avoid the use of too many adjectives. Theres no need to write the white-hot blaze or the brutal murder. We know fire is hot and that killing someone is generally pretty brutal. Those adjectives are unnecessary.Dont use phrases such as thankfully, everyone escaped the fire unhurt. Obviously, its good that people werent hurt. Your readers can figure that out for themselves.Never inject your opinions into a hard-news story. Save your thoughts for a review or editorial.When you first refer to someone in a story, use the full name and job title if applicable. On all subsequent references, use just the last name. So it would be Lt. Jane Jones when you first mention her in your story, but after that, it would simply be Jones. The only exception is if two people with the same last name are in your story, in which case you could use t heir full names. Reporters generally dont use honorifics such as Mr. or Mrs. in AP style. (A notable exception is The New York Times.) Dont repeat information.Dont summarize the story at the end by repeating whats already been said. Try to find information for the conclusion that advances the story.

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