Friday, October 11, 2019

Negative effects of technology

Technology has had a negative effect on people's lives. Technology has distracted kids, caused accidents, and health problems. It's actually kind of sad. Technology has negatively affected kids In such a huge way, especially In schools. Most kids claim they're bored so they pull out their cell phones or Pods. Their attention span isn't but so big, so they tend to get distracted easily by fumbling with their phones and playing games. This is why phones aren't allowed in most schools today.Reason being is because teachers find it very disrespectful and rude when they are trying to teach and students aren't learning or listening. The most commonly used technology today is the cell phone. Cell phones cause so many things to happen. Most car accidents are cause by being on cell phones. In a teens mind they think sending this one word or message Is wont hurt while they're driving but In reality It does. They have so many commercials about the consequences of testing and driving. Most teens Just don't listen.It's not Just the teens either, It's even the adults that text and drive. Adults are supposed to be role models for the younger generation not the opposite. Most people don't know that technology causes health problems. Being on a cell phone for too long and having so close to a person's eyes can mess up their vision. Also talking on the phone can cause cancer. Of course a person wouldn't get cancer just by one phone call, it would take some time. Another major health problem caused by technology is Carpal tunnel syndrome.Testing excessively can damage the nerves in someone's hands and fingers, causing numbness, tingling, and weakness. These are Just a few health problems caused by technology. It's Just amazing how something created by man can cause so many negative things to happen. Just by being on a cell phone while driving could cost someone their life, having a cell phone or Pod out could cost a child's education, or even testing could cause permanent damage. Technology has negative effects on people's lives daily. Negative effects of technology By redoneTechnology has negatively affected kids in such a huge way, especially in schools. Most kids claim they're bored so they pull out their cell phones or ‘pods. Their teens mind they think sending this one word or message is won't hurt while they're driving but in reality it does. They have so many commercials about the consequences of testing and driving. Most teens Just don't listen. It's not Just the teens either, it's even the adults that text and drive. Negative Effects of Technology Technology can not only negatively effect ones physical health, privacy but there are also emotional and psychological effects which can be disastrous. ’ Internet addiction is a psychological dependency on using the internet regardless of the type of activity once logged on’ . caplan 02. ‘a cycle of five successive and interdependent stages’. young01. Discovery, experimentation, escalation, compulsion, and hope lessness lead the person through a series of cause and effect emotions.. yong. 08 describes a person with a tendancy to avoid life problems by medicating him self with the internet. Lonely people with low self esteem choose emotional relationships with cyberspace frinds. Becase ‘real’ individuals rejecting them is no longer possible, the person feels safe and confident in his world of denial. abs 08. Bisides social awkwardness and isolation the psychologically dependant person is one who tends to avoid real life situation and problems. abs. 08.. speaks of increasing absence from work as a woman’s online sexual fantasies grew into an obcession . to feel angry, jealous, rejected and abandoned as they experience the emotional pain of an online affair by their partner. Conflict and emotional cost is also a result of poker playing online. chb. 00. states that intense players played 3 times longer than the majority, in one study.. Other life activities would be effected more and more. An incrase in emotional pain resulting. However, emotional pain is not only caused by the individual’s online behavior but also the financial strain of the addiction. Chb09.. states that in its study of online poker players, most player moderated their behavior based on wins and losses. 1 the most involved players. However, did not this would indicate a high financial strain when these players experienced loss. Nms07 study on problem gambling on the internet found that 42. 7% of internet gamblers were problem gamblers. b. Another emotional result of online gambling is the altered perception of the gambler making him less aware of financial risks. nmss07.. The predictable remorse and guilt fallows the loss of money. Many online gaming sites give the impussion that pay out rates of demo session apply to regular play which is untrue. Demo sessions also will set up an imagined ‘big win’ which the article states sets a person up for problem gambling in the future. Aa ther are risk factors for those who are psychologically, vulnerable to becoming addicted to online sex. abs08. millions of adult sites abs08 are available 24 hours a day, 7 days aweek. The underlying factor of accessible ‘free’ sex and gambling contributes to addiction for those particular people. abs. abs.. Besides easy access, being anonymous also increases addictive tendancies for those most prone to be effected. Online users can experiment freely and confidently in the virtual world. Gamblers use electronic means to pay for services making the financial losses seem less real. Comm. With the rapid changes in technology comes both positive and negative results. Certain personality types seem more prone to online addicions to sex. Poker , and gambling. The availability of the internet and the relatively inexpensive world of excitement and pretending, seems to be an unpleasant reality makes fantasy even more attractive. The high emotional price for the addict and his loud ones, is just beginning to be revealed.

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