Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Reading ability of Damascus class Essay Example

Reading ability of Damascus class Essay Introduction: a. Background of the Study Reading is the most important skill a person should develop. The ultimate goal of reading is to help a person be able to understand the written material, to evaluate it and to apply it in a certain subject. In order to accomplish these things and be good in reading comprehension, one should read books more often. A person who reads book may have a wide range of imagination compared to some who dont. According to an essay writer named Arlene Babes-Evoke Filipinos are not book lovers. As what she had written, Filipinos hate solitude and are also impatient. We will write a custom essay sample on Reading ability of Damascus class specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Reading ability of Damascus class specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Reading ability of Damascus class specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However, there are some opinions that not all Filipinos are these kinds of readers. Nowadays, many of the Filipinos who loved to read books are experiencing difficulties in how to make reading, a habit. So in this study, the researchers will be discussing about how a certain section loved or hate books. The focus of this research study is the Grade VI pupils of Isabella District II. Many would think that all students in this section are interested in reading books, not knowing that almost half of this class are not book lovers; yes, they do read books but only for the sake of grades (e. I. English subject). This research study will help readers understand and work out the problems why there are still students who have difficulties in reading books. This can help some of the students of the Damascus class to learn and find books as the love of their hearts. B. Objectives of the Study The purpose of this study is to find out the reasons why some of the IV Year Damascus class have no reading interest while several of them are critical readers of all kind of books. Specifically, it hopes to answer the if. : 1 . What are the reasons why there are still several Damascus class does not find books interesting? 2. What is the percentage of the Damascus class who loves to read books? Who does not have any interest in reading books? 3. On what level of reading, the students of fourth year Damascus is? 4. What help are being taken to eliminate the reading illness? 5. What help are being taken to improve the level of reading of the book lovers in the Damascus class? C. Scope and Limitation This study is concerned with the reading problems of the Damascus class only. This study covers all, which is all about reading as a skill, reading problems. The researcher only interviews, ask questions to this student of Damascus class. * Definition of Terms Solitude state AT Dealing alone: ten state AT Dealing alone, separated Trot toner people, winter considered as a welcome freedom from disturbance or as an unhappy loneliness * Slothful- lazy Levels of reading * Pre-reader -Pre-reader books are for young children and adults that have not yet learned to read the language the book is written in, or have Just started to learn to pronounce and read simple words. A pre-readers vocabulary is typically small. A pre- reader is likely to have difficulty reading and understanding long words and sentences. These books should use of a lot of pictures and are likely to be read out loud with a parent or educator present. * Beginner -Books at the beginner skill level are intended for young children that can read on their own. Beginners can understand longer sentences and have a higher vocabulary than pre-readers. However, beginners are likely to have some difficulties still with pronunciation and comprehension when new vocabulary is encountered or introduced. These books are likely about basic subjects and use a minimum amount of difficult vocabulary. Difficult words that are used should be properly introduced. These books are likely to still rely heavily on pictures * Intermediate -Books at the intermediate skill level are intended for readers at an average adult reading level. Sentence structures are likely to be more diverse and more difficult vocabulary is often used without an explanation. An intermediate reader is more likely to understand new words and vocabulary Just from the context and usage. These books are likely to provide more in depth information about a subject than a beginner level book would, which may require using and explaining some specialized Jargon. These books should be accessible to readers without any reticular expertise in the subject area and should avoid using Jargon without explanations. * Advanced -Books at the advanced skill level depend on more background knowledge and understanding of more specialized vocabulary than is common for intermediate readers. Some subject-specific Jargon is likely to be used without explanation, but a heavy reliance on subject-specific Jargon should be avoided to increase readability and comprehension. Professional -Books at the professional skill level tend to be highly subject-specific and require extensive background knowledge among readers. Jargon tends to be seed extensively, and readability is often sacrificed for precision. These books may be dry and academic and not welcoming to most readers. E. Importance of the Study This research study gives importance on how the ISABELLA II PUPILS learn and handle their reading capabilities for them to use for daily lives and for facing the futu re that is ahead of them. Reading ability is needed to comprehend materials important to daily living. Reading will also affect the academic performance of the students and thus, this is the importance of the study. T Insoles statement Reading might be a burden for students, but reading also is the most important part in the lives of students especially for the graduating students. II. Review of Related Literature Reading is an important skill for the lives of the students. Reading skill helps students to understand more about their lessons and help them in their vocabularies, expanding their reading comprehension and to have an advantage in speaking English language fluently. It also helps widen the imagination of the readers and ideas Development of Reading Skills Some educators see reading comprehension as a series of sub skills, such as understanding word meaning word meaning in context, finding the main dead, making inferences about information implied but not stated, and distinguishing between fact and opinion. In high school and college, reading materials become more abstract and contain a larger, more technical vocabulary. At this stage, the student not only must acquire new information but also must critically analyze the text and achieve an optimal reading rate based on the difficulty of the material and the purpose of the reading. (Incarnate Premium, 2009) Improving Reading Skills How do you help yourself improve reading competence? Word study is one way for the older student to improve reading ability. This involves using a dictionary and thesaurus, studying word parts, and learning how to find the meaning of a word from the context. Students can also improve their vocabularies by paying conscious attention to any new words they may encounter. Because a mature reader must have several different reading rates available for different materials and purposes, practice in skimming a passage for general meaning and scanning for specific information is useful. The development of efficient study strategies is important in learning various kinds of subject matter. One useful duty technique is outlining, which helps to develop an awareness of the main points and details of a selection. (Incarnate Premium,2009). Improving adolescents literacy skills is more difficult, and its more difficult for a number of reasons. One major reason is this whole thing of attitude. We find that a lot of adolescents understandably, if theyve been struggling with literacy have really developed negative attitudes about reading, writing, the whole subject of dealing with improving their academic skills. (Kevin Feldman, De. D. ) To improve reading skills, a reader should know the tactics on how to be a good reader. To improve reading ability, a person should have a work study, it involves thesaurus and dictionary which can help the readers understand more about the content of the book. Skimming the passage for general theme and scanning for a specific information is useful. L nà ©e Must really unreason Tanat Improving tenet rearing Ana writing skills Is not something that adults do to them. Its really something that is done with them. That meaner forging a partnership so that the kids and young people understand the specifics of whats going on what we can do, how long it will take so that they have ambitious but realistic goals. . (Kevin Feldman, De. D. ) Read ing improvement is not only centered on the students, themselves. It is also depend on to the teacher or the leader of the school, if they have the passion for having students the opportunity to be book lovers. Reading ability is very difficult to assess accurately. In the communicative competence model, a students reading level is the level at which that student is able to use reading to accomplish communication goals. This meaner that assessment of reading ability needs to be correlated with purposes for reading. (http://www. CLC. Org/essentials/reading/serenaded. HTML, 2003,2004) Causes of Reading Problems according to Kevin Feldman, De. D. 1 . Falling Behind Many students lack the reading skills required for their grade level. If students fall behind at early ages, by the time they reach high school, it is very difficult for them to catch up. According to the NAPE, 26 percent of 12th-graders cannot read at the basic level. These students may never learn to read. Whos to Blame? Parents are not helping their young children learn to read, either because of laziness or because they work long hours. Technology can also take some of the blame. According to a study published in Reuters, children who have a major video game system in their home spend 30 percent less time reading and working on homework than a child without a system. That meaner they are not getting the skills necessary to keep up with their classmates. The Art of Testing Since instant messaging and cell phone testing has taken over many kids lives, they have become lazy readers. Given the 160 character confines of a standard text message, children are learning to shorten their messages and do away with standard incaution, said Michael Swan on Lovelorn. Com. In the Classroom What this meaner for our high cholers in the classroom is that they no longer have the attention span, nor the patience to do any serious reading. This leads to very lethargic students when it comes time to read in class. Ill- Moments Ana Procedure Questions Yes No Pre-Reader Beginner Advance Professional 1 . Are you interested in reading books 16 Percentage 58% 42% 2. Why? 45% 13% Why not? 15 argental 3 Have you read an 100% 4. What was the reason of reading that book? 8 79% 5. An tents level AT read Ins, winner AAA you thank you Delano? 7 5% The researchers of this study had gathered some data from the Damascus class through interviewing them. Below is the summary of the survey the researchers did. Choices: 2. Why? A. Hobby/entertaining B. Gain more knowledge 4. A. School purposes B. Own interest Why not? A. Boring B. Too lazy The researchers had surveyed the students of Damascus class to know how efficient they are in reading. As a result of the survey, it has been proved that out of 38 correspondents only 22 of them have interests in books having the total percentage AT Wendell 16 AT teem NAS no Interest In reading Dodos navels a total argental of 42%. 45% of these students read books because it has been their habit and they found it very entertaining while 13% read books in order to gain more knowledge and get new ideas. However, those who answered NO were not interested in books having a total percentage of 42%. 0% of this percentage said that they found reading books, boring, while the remaining 2% found it slothful to do. In the question number three, the survey says that all the correspondents from the Damascus class have already read books. 21% of the students read books for school purpose while 79% reasoned that it is their own interest. The level of reading shows how the students rate th emselves according to their levels. It has also been observed that 5% of the students are still in the beginners level; 79% in the intermediate; and 16% claim that they were in the advance level of reading. IV- Results Reading books can help us improve reading skills. This part of the research can give us the overview of the result of the students of IV- Damascus in reading. The researchers have collected data and came up with a result. There are students in the Damascus class who are not interested in reading books because it is boring and lazy thing to do. Based on the survey, 58% of the students are interested in reading books while 42% are not. In the level of reading, 5% are the beginners level while most 79% are the intermediate and 16% are in the Advance level which headed to the professor. However, assistance can be offered to students who are having reading difficulties. As the researchers Procedure, they have found several results for the problem especially in improving the skills of the students. The investigation of this problem had pointed out solutions for those troubled students. Word study is one way of improving reading skills. For those who are booksellers in this section, they can improve their reading ability by continuing their holiday and taking up new challenges and having guidance from an expert. Therefore, It had been cleared that we have solutions to every problem when we think of positive results. V- summary, conclusions, Recommendation Summary: This study was about improving the reading skills of the Fourth Year Damascus class. Based on the data gathered by the researchers, they have found out that almost half of this class have no reading interest but its a good thing that the half of this class loved to read books. Those who show no interest in books have reading problems. The main reason of these students is that for them reading is boring. Environment has something to do with this kind of problem especially cell phones, the text messages that is sent by most of the teenagers were shorten which makes them to be a lazy readers, another is the internet, its true that internet makes the life of the students easy but students are abusing this technology so, whenever they have a project that have something to do with the computer, they Just copy paste them. These students that have no reading interests may think hat there is no chance for them to learn improve this reading skill. But the researchers found out some ways of improving their skills. First, they have to begin with the word study, whenever they read something they should keep on their side a dictionary or a thesaurus that would help them define the meaning of words that are difficult. Another is practice in skimming a passage for general meaning and scanning for specific information is useful, outlining, also helps to develop an awareness of the main points and details of a selection. Readers should have desire and interest in this skill because without those factors, the readers will to be able to improve their reading skills. Conclusion Therefore the researcher concluded that different students have different skills in reading. Others are diligent enough while others are lazy that they dont want reading to be their source of ideas, but in this study it can be improve through proper discipline. Recommendation If theres a will, theres a way. One can surpass the problem in reading if the person is willing to learn. The researchers point is to encourage each reader to have a positive thought about reading and to help each other one be good in this skill.

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