Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Leadership and Nursing Care Management †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Leadership and Nursing Care Management. Answer: Introduction: Nursing is a profession which requires a lot of resilience and endurance. During the course of training, a student has to learn lots of skills are designed to help in delivering quality care and managing the day-to-day challenges experienced in the course of nursing practice (Diane, 2013). In this paper, I would like to apply Gibbs Reflection Cycle to present a critical reflection of an incident in which I was personally involved. On this day, I was assigned to attend to the patients at the CPU ward. A conflict occurred because the Registered Nurse (RN) who was in charge of me had to yell at me in front of the patient. He rebuked me for displaying incompetence and poorly-assessing the patients who had been assigned to me. This was quite embarrassing because as professionals, we need to establish a good working relationship at all times. As a student-nurse, I have a feeling that what happened is uncalled for. It was really embarrassing for the RN who was supposed to act as my mentor to resort to shaming me and openly declaring her hatred against me. It was morally wrong for the RN to yell at me before my patients. I have a feeling that the RN did a very big mistake because she failed to consider the implications of her arrogance (Cunha, Monteiro Lourenco, 2016). Patients are very sensitive people who should not be exposed to such negative comments. I know that the relationship between me and the RN should be a cordial one. At no one time should we engage in such unnecessary conflicts. In my evaluation, I would like to emphasize that a conflict is an inevitable occurrence in the workplace. In any place where human beings are involved, there must be social problems. In a nursing setting like this one, practitioners have to disagree because of the different views and opinions held by each and everyone (Porat, Halperin Tamir, 2016). I condemn the RN for yelling to me because she was not supposed to do it. Even if I did a mistake, I was not supposed to be harassed and embossed before my patients (Bylund, Peterson Cameron, 2012). The RN should acknowledge that she is a mentor who is not supposed to yell at the student, but provide the necessary support whenever it is needed. Yelling to a student-nurse in front of a patient can be so disastrous because it negatively impacts on the performance of the student. I would like to apply Gibbs analysis strategies to say that the relationship between a RN and a student-nurse should always be a cohesive one. At no one time should a RN allow a conflict to hinder the delivery of healthcare services to the patient. The effects of the conflict are that it will make the patient to lose faith in the healthcare services provided at the facility (Godiwalla, 2016). It will affect the organization on long term basis because it will damage its reputation. The student-nurse is an inexperienced professional who entirely relies on the support of the RN to learn how to handle patients. Hospitals are public facilities which serve a wide range of patients each of which having specific and unique needs to meet (Safi Kolahi, 2016). Therefore, it might be challenging for the student-nurse to cope up with the pressure and adequately satisfy the needs of all clients. This is why I conclude by saying that the RN erred because she acted unprofessionally. Since what happened did not please me, it is my responsibility to come up with an action plan. According to Gibbs, an action plan is important because it can enable me to improve on my weak areas by making the necessary adjustments. Therefore, if I find myself n such a situation, I will make a number of improvements. First and foremost, I will engage the RN on a one-on-one dialogue to let her know that what she did to me was wrong because it painted me and the hospital in a bad shape. I would use the opportunity to appeal to the RN to establish a good rapport with the student-nurses because she is a mentor and should be diligent in her duties (Arnold Boggs, 2015). Besides, I will have to report the RN to the management to take the necessary action against her. By reporting the matter to the authorities, I will be doing a good thing because RN will have to be compelled to be responsible and accountable for all her actions. All these strategies will enable me to amicably resolve such conflicts and ultimately prevent them from recurring. References Arnold, E.C. Boggs, K.U. (2015). Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses. New York: Elsevier Health Sciences. Bylund, C.L., Peterson, E.B. Cameron, K.A. (2012). A practitioner's guide to interpersonal communication theory: An overview and exploration of selected theories. Patient education and counseling, 87(3), pp.261-267. Cunha, P., Monteiro, A. P., Lourenco, A.A. (2016). School Climate and Conflict Management Tactics-A Quantitative Study with Portuguese Students. REVISTA CES PSICOLOGIA, 9(2), 1-11. Diane, L.H. (2013). Leadership Nursing Care Management 5th Ed. New York: Saunders Publishers. Godiwalla, Y.H. (2016). Conflict Management Strategies in Global Firms. Journal of Management, 17(2), 11. Porat, R., Halperin, E., Tamir, M. (2016). What we want is what we get: Group-based emotional preferences and conflict resolution. Journal of personality and social psychology, 110(2), 167. Safi, M.H., Kolahi, A.A. (2016). The Relationship between Job Satisfaction with Burnout and Conflict Management Styles in Employees. Community Health, 2(4), 266-274.

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