Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Over the decades the times have really changed. American...

Over the decades the times have really changed. American families have become smaller with a single parent being a child’s full guardian.Inflation and job cuts have made it harder for families to get by and make the healthy food decisions they should for their families. In Louisiana alone time, culture, knowledge of living a healthy lifestyle, as well as natural disasters have molded how this southern state has adapted its people and families to such a lifestyle. Do you think minimum wage will be changed to help more families get by? Are they aware of the many healthy resources that Louisiana offers? Has the food stamp program been a successful help to families who need government assistance? and are there enough resources to to help not†¦show more content†¦They help aid in providing a healthier lifestyle through providing an alternative â€Å"grocery store† where food stamps as well as other funds are accepted to purchase healthier food for their families fo r a cheaper price. Unfortunately, in regards to the quantity of programs aiming towards families who need extra assistance the number is rather low. Yes, they’re at least one food bank in each area of Louisiana but what about those with no means of transportation. In fact, in 2013 Snap benefits were cut. For every family of 3 they will now be $29 short totally to $319 from each family altogether. agreed that, â€Å" These cuts will likely cause hardship for some SNAP participants, who will include 22 million children in 2014 (10 million of whom live in â€Å"deep poverty,† with family incomes below half of the poverty line) and 9 million people who are elderly or have a serious disability.† Not only is this a bad idea but it is also rather selfish to take from those who need to feed their families. With the assistance received, are Louisianians making decent decisions health wise on the food their family consumes? With food prices on the rise, and the sweet, sugary treats the cheapest around and in every convenient store are families making the bestShow MoreRelatedTheu.s. Supreme Court Justice And Lived From Post World War II902 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.† This is a compelling quote spoken by Louis Brandeis, who was U.S. Supreme Court Justice and lived from 1856 to 1941. His words illustrate the ever-growing issue of inequality that has existed in this country for many years. Being aware of and understanding the changing rates of income inequality in the U.S throughout history is crucial in order to progress by makingRead MoreHistory of Airplanes1273 Words   |  6 Pagesobviously has begun after the real airplanes have been inv ented by Orville and Wilbur Wright on December 17 1903. Airplanes made getting from one place to another much faster. 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