Monday, May 18, 2020

Descriptive Essay - Original Writing - 1351 Words

His name was Cwedolscead. He had not chosen the name and he was not aware of who it might have been who gave him the name. But he cursed them to the rankest, most festering depths of hell, which no doubt, was where they resided anyway. The name was not assigned at his birth, when the first haze of his dark nascent energy belched forth from the blackest hearts of humanity, but came later, the word spewing unbidden from the nadir of damnation, floating on the stench of brimstone to swaddle itself around him, as his disparate strands coalesced into a conscious, if formless being. Or something like that. He tapped absently at his coffee cup. Once long ago, when all men had lived and died in the fearful shadow of their Gods, his name had had†¦show more content†¦He smirked into his coffee. John Winchester should have known better that to hunt the evil he thought he saw lurking behind every tree, proverbial or otherwise, when he carried with him a heart full of such blind hatred. As always, it was the souls of the innocents that suffered. Eventually as tarnished as that of their father. Well, they would be if he had anything to do with it. Kids, who d have em? He sighed and leered at the mousy waitress who paused at his table to refill his cup. Her drab outward appearance belying the delightfully twisted and varied fantasies that saturated her conscious mind. He thought briefly about entertaining her in her mundane deviancy but he was starting to get a headache. Where was he? Oh, yes, kids. His were out there, somewhere, faithfully doing his bidding. They were born not long after he had arrived in the new world, eager to exploit the endless possibilities of the harsh existence of naive immigrants. He had been terribly disappointed to find that the original inhabitants of the land were impervious to his talents. He could not mark them, most annoying as many were born with such talented minds, possess, or unduly influence them in any way, although that had changed as many had lost their connection to the earth. He had left them to the devices of

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