Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Etymology of Auspicious free essay sample

And fortune play upon thy prosperous helm As thy auspicious mistress. (ODE 792) Auspicious is a word that means ominous, favorable, and favored by fortune. The word auspicious originated in the fourteenth century and its original definition was the observation of birds for the purpose of obtaining omens. At first auspicious was previously Just defined as omens, and omens used to be regarded as negative.Eventually the word transformed to mean favorable omens, and then the word was just defined as favorable. (DEEDED) The word usually has, for the most part a positive connotation. Many people use this word to wish others well and success on endeavors. Many writers use auspicious in different ways, by implying different meanings. In 1879, Rosettes used the definition ominous when she used auspicious in Seek and Find, saying The aspect of Jubilant auspicious angels. This implies that he angels are of good omen and that the angels are probably bringing good fate to someone. We will write a custom essay sample on Etymology of Auspicious or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is in line with the general idea, with angels bringing good news, hope, and other positive ideas associated with these heavenly beings. In 1804, Sourwood used the definition prosperous in The Dispatches of the Duke of Wellington, saying We have reposed for five auspicious years under the shadow of your protection. This implies that the people have prospered under the protection of the Duke ofWellington, which suggests the greatness of the Duke In his peoples eyes, and the effectiveness of his rule. (ODE 792) The Intriguing word auspicious has been adapted by many poets to fit their needs but one of the most Interesting ways It has been used Is by Tentacle In their poem The Night Is Auspicious. The night Is auspicious. No trace of the usual specters/ The shadows dance VICIOUS; Rising from rich black nectars Ive murdered so many/ But only by night can my sins be undone.

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